Anime Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasareta
7.05 / 10 | 13,433 votes
Genre : Comedy, Supernatural
Status : Finished Airing
Type : TV
Jumlah Episode : 12
Mulai Tayang : 2022-04-07
Jadwal Tayang : Hari Kamis jam 21:00 (JST)
Views : 61646
Subtitle : Indonesia
Sinopsis : A little ghost girl gets worries when Ms. Fushihara, a corporate slave, is working till midnight, and tries to make her go home. While saying "Leave now~," the ghost girl helps and brings her refreshments, healing Ms. Fushihara's heart with her preciousness. Be healed by the heartwarming daily life of the cute little ghost and the corporate slave Ms. Fushihara.
Sub : Indonesia
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