Anime Garo: Guren no Tsuki
5.94 / 10 | 4,361 votes
Genre : Action, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Supernatural
Type : TV
Jumlah Episode : 23
Mulai Tayang : 2015-10-10
Views : 191798
Subtitle : Indonesia
Sinopsis : Heian-kyou, capital and the center of elegant, aristocratic culture, is heavily guarded by a spiritual force field -- or so it seems. In reality, onmyouji (court magi who create the spiritual force field) can only defend the palace located in the northern part of the city; in downtown, monsters known as "horror" that feast upon human souls roam after sunset. There are, however, a group of heroes protecting commoners from "horrors" in darkness. (Source: ANN)
Sub : Indonesia
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