Senryuu Shoujo Episode 3 Subtitle Indonesia

Kategori : Anime, Anime Senryuu Shoujo
Di Posting Oleh: Kouje / 2019-04-20

Senryuu Shoujo Episode 3 Subtitle Indonesia

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Senryuu Shoujo
7.17 / 10  |  1,360 votes
Nama Anime : Senryuu Shoujo
Alternative Name : 川柳少女, Senryuu Girl
Genre : Slice of Life, Comedy, School, Shounen
Type : TV
Jumlah Episode : 12
Jadwal Tayang : Hari Sabtu jam 01:55 (JST)
Subtitle : Indonesia
Sinopsis : Yukishiro Nanako is a cute, cheerful high school girl with one peculiar trait—instead of verbal communication, she writes senryuu (a type of haiku) poems to relay her thoughts. Together with ex-delinquent Busujima Eiji, they are budding freshmen of the school's Literature Club. Even though Nanako doesn't talk, with the power of senryuu, the adorable pair has no problem enjoying their fun school-life through the tune of 5-7-5 syllables.

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