W’z Episode 1 Subtitle Indonesia

Kategori : Anime W’z
Di Posting Oleh: Kouje / 2019-01-08

W’z Episode 1 Subtitle Indonesia

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5.61 / 10  |  732 votes
Nama Anime : W'z
Alternative Name : ウィズ
Genre : Action, Music
Type : TV
Jumlah Episode : 13
Jadwal Tayang : Hari Minggu jam 01:30 (JST)
Subtitle : Indonesia
Sinopsis : Yukiya, who is "probably" 14 years old, spends his time DJ-ing alone. Due to his father's influence, he's listened to house music since he was young, and he uploads videos online. He wants to convey something to someone. He wants to be recognized, and become important. But getting hurt is scary. One day, while trying to get more views, he does something that can't be undone. And he sees a live broadcast from "that world." Yukiya believes he can't do anything alone, but that he could accomplish something if he were doing it together with someone else.

Link Download W’z Episode 1 Subtitle Indonesia

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